Tech Induction 2024

We hope you enjoyed the Induction at SWCHS this year. Here is some extra information for getting started on the Music Technology course.

Please read all of the information on this page carefully.

Do get in touch with me at if you have any questions.

Lesson 2 Powerpoint

Click here to download our Lesson 2 powerpoint, including course content.

Preparing for September

These are the three important things to sort out before September:

  1. Preparation work: deadline will be our first lesson so that we can discuss in class.
  2. Headphones: deadline 23rd September at the latest.
  3. Revision Guide: deadline 23rd September at the latest.

1. Preparation Work

This was provided on paper during Induction. Alternatively, click here to download the preparation work (you may need to right-click and Save As). Please bring this to your first lesson in September. Let me know if you have any questions; address above.

Getting ready guide (optional enrichment)

To help students get ahead for their new course, the school has published a series of optional activities to bridge the gap between Y11 and Y12. Visit the school website to download this ‘Getting Ready’ document.

2. Headphones

You will need a good-quality pair of headphones during every lesson during the course, as well as for external exams and completing coursework. You do not need to spend a lot of money, but the headphones must be designed for studio use.

These should be closed-back, circumaural (cover your ears entirely), wired headphones (not wireless, bluetooth,etc.).

Here are some suggestions:

You will need a suitable set by September 23rd at the latest.

Again, please email if you have any questions.

3. Revision Guide

The Revision Guide (RRP £13.99) is excellent. It is concise and covers most of the course content. Make sure you buy the ‘A Level’ and not ‘AS Level’ version. It is not just for revision: we will be referring to the diagrams and explanations routniely during lessons. You will be asked to bring this every lesson, along with your headphones.

Shops are often out of stock when everyone starts courses in September, so buying this in advance is a good idea.

You will need a copy by September 23rd at the latest.

…The world of Music Tech

Our highest-achieving students are avid listeners, readers and engineers. Here are more things they enjoy:

Podcasts / playlists / people
